32 research outputs found

    Efficient Discovery of Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets through Sampling with Tight Performance Guarantees

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    The tasks of extracting (top-KK) Frequent Itemsets (FI's) and Association Rules (AR's) are fundamental primitives in data mining and database applications. Exact algorithms for these problems exist and are widely used, but their running time is hindered by the need of scanning the entire dataset, possibly multiple times. High quality approximations of FI's and AR's are sufficient for most practical uses, and a number of recent works explored the application of sampling for fast discovery of approximate solutions to the problems. However, these works do not provide satisfactory performance guarantees on the quality of the approximation, due to the difficulty of bounding the probability of under- or over-sampling any one of an unknown number of frequent itemsets. In this work we circumvent this issue by applying the statistical concept of \emph{Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension} to develop a novel technique for providing tight bounds on the sample size that guarantees approximation within user-specified parameters. Our technique applies both to absolute and to relative approximations of (top-KK) FI's and AR's. The resulting sample size is linearly dependent on the VC-dimension of a range space associated with the dataset to be mined. The main theoretical contribution of this work is a proof that the VC-dimension of this range space is upper bounded by an easy-to-compute characteristic quantity of the dataset which we call \emph{d-index}, and is the maximum integer dd such that the dataset contains at least dd transactions of length at least dd such that no one of them is a superset of or equal to another. We show that this bound is strict for a large class of datasets.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. A shorter version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ECML PKDD 201

    Finding the True Frequent Itemsets

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    Frequent Itemsets (FIs) mining is a fundamental primitive in data mining. It requires to identify all itemsets appearing in at least a fraction θ\theta of a transactional dataset D\mathcal{D}. Often though, the ultimate goal of mining D\mathcal{D} is not an analysis of the dataset \emph{per se}, but the understanding of the underlying process that generated it. Specifically, in many applications D\mathcal{D} is a collection of samples obtained from an unknown probability distribution π\pi on transactions, and by extracting the FIs in D\mathcal{D} one attempts to infer itemsets that are frequently (i.e., with probability at least θ\theta) generated by π\pi, which we call the True Frequent Itemsets (TFIs). Due to the inherently stochastic nature of the generative process, the set of FIs is only a rough approximation of the set of TFIs, as it often contains a huge number of \emph{false positives}, i.e., spurious itemsets that are not among the TFIs. In this work we design and analyze an algorithm to identify a threshold θ^\hat{\theta} such that the collection of itemsets with frequency at least θ^\hat{\theta} in D\mathcal{D} contains only TFIs with probability at least 1−δ1-\delta, for some user-specified δ\delta. Our method uses results from statistical learning theory involving the (empirical) VC-dimension of the problem at hand. This allows us to identify almost all the TFIs without including any false positive. We also experimentally compare our method with the direct mining of D\mathcal{D} at frequency θ\theta and with techniques based on widely-used standard bounds (i.e., the Chernoff bounds) of the binomial distribution, and show that our algorithm outperforms these methods and achieves even better results than what is guaranteed by the theoretical analysis.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version of work appeared in SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 201

    An impossibility result for Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling from micro-canonical bipartite graph ensembles

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    Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are commonly used to sample from graph ensembles. Two graphs are neighbors in the state space if one can be obtained from the other with only a few modifications, e.g., edge rewirings. For many common ensembles, e.g., those preserving the degree sequences of bipartite graphs, rewiring operations involving two edges are sufficient to create a fully-connected state space, and they can be performed efficiently. We show that, for ensembles of bipartite graphs with fixed degree sequences and number of butterflies (k2,2 bi-cliques), there is no universal constant c such that a rewiring of at most c edges at every step is sufficient for any such ensemble to be fully connected. Our proof relies on an explicit construction of a family of pairs of graphs with the same degree sequences and number of butterflies, with each pair indexed by a natural c, and such that any sequence of rewiring operations transforming one graph into the other must include at least one rewiring operation involving at least c edges. Whether rewiring these many edges is sufficient to guarantee the full connectivity of the state space of any such ensemble remains an open question. Our result implies the impossibility of developing efficient, graph-agnostic, MCMC algorithms for these ensembles, as the necessity to rewire an impractically large number of edges may hinder taking a step on the state space

    RePBubLik: Reducing the Polarized Bubble Radius with Link Insertions

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    The topology of the hyperlink graph among pages expressing different opinions may influence the exposure of readers to diverse content. Structural bias may trap a reader in a polarized bubble with no access to other opinions. We model readers' behavior as random walks. A node is in a polarized bubble if the expected length of a random walk from it to a page of different opinion is large. The structural bias of a graph is the sum of the radii of highly-polarized bubbles. We study the problem of decreasing the structural bias through edge insertions. Healing all nodes with high polarized bubble radius is hard to approximate within a logarithmic factor, so we focus on finding the best kk edges to insert to maximally reduce the structural bias. We present RePBubLik, an algorithm that leverages a variant of the random walk closeness centrality to select the edges to insert. RePBubLik obtains, under mild conditions, a constant-factor approximation. It reduces the structural bias faster than existing edge-recommendation methods, including some designed to reduce the polarization of a graph

    Space-Round Tradeoffs for MapReduce Computations

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    This work explores fundamental modeling and algorithmic issues arising in the well-established MapReduce framework. First, we formally specify a computational model for MapReduce which captures the functional flavor of the paradigm by allowing for a flexible use of parallelism. Indeed, the model diverges from a traditional processor-centric view by featuring parameters which embody only global and local memory constraints, thus favoring a more data-centric view. Second, we apply the model to the fundamental computation task of matrix multiplication presenting upper and lower bounds for both dense and sparse matrix multiplication, which highlight interesting tradeoffs between space and round complexity. Finally, building on the matrix multiplication results, we derive further space-round tradeoffs on matrix inversion and matching

    Mining Top-K Frequent Itemsets Through Progressive Sampling

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    We study the use of sampling for efficiently mining the top-K frequent itemsets of cardinality at most w. To this purpose, we define an approximation to the top-K frequent itemsets to be a family of itemsets which includes (resp., excludes) all very frequent (resp., very infrequent) itemsets, together with an estimate of these itemsets' frequencies with a bounded error. Our first result is an upper bound on the sample size which guarantees that the top-K frequent itemsets mined from a random sample of that size approximate the actual top-K frequent itemsets, with probability larger than a specified value. We show that the upper bound is asymptotically tight when w is constant. Our main algorithmic contribution is a progressive sampling approach, combined with suitable stopping conditions, which on appropriate inputs is able to extract approximate top-K frequent itemsets from samples whose sizes are smaller than the general upper bound. In order to test the stopping conditions, this approach maintains the frequency of all itemsets encountered, which is practical only for small w. However, we show how this problem can be mitigated by using a variation of Bloom filters. A number of experiments conducted on both synthetic and real bench- mark datasets show that using samples substantially smaller than the original dataset (i.e., of size defined by the upper bound or reached through the progressive sampling approach) enable to approximate the actual top-K frequent itemsets with accuracy much higher than what analytically proved.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted for presentation at ECML PKDD 2010 and publication in the ECML PKDD 2010 special issue of the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journa